About Us
"Populism: the political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite."
Oklahoma is the bedrock of oppression in the United States. We have natural disasters that are caused by corporate greed and neglect. We have the highest incarceration rate in a nation that holds a quarter of the world's prisoners. Our jail cells have become subhuman storage for the mentally ill, our most vulnerable citizens. We are hurling headfirst into the destruction and privatization of prisons, education, mental health, drug treatment, and anything else from which corporations can profit.
Therefore, we must be the front lines of the revolution.
Red State Revolt seeks to illuminate the corruption and take this state back to its populist roots. We interview changemakers, discuss current events, write essays, and find ways that all of us can change the tide of Oklahoma's political and social reality.
Join author, filmmaker, and activist Mark Faulk and writer Cate Wilde every Thursday from 5-6 PM CST in the ongoing conversation to improve the lives of Oklahomans.